My Latest Existential Crisis (Thanks AI)

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I can’t count the number of times someone’s come up to me telling me that it’s pointless to do any kind of creative work today because there’s eventually going to be an AI for everything.

There’s an AI that makes music.

An AI that makes images.

An AI that makes videos.

An AI that makes podcasts.

And on and on and on.

Soon there will be an AI that makes AIs and we can all hold hands and watch the world burn in the face of all this digital creativism.

While I agree that AI will make life even harder for artists, it also means we’ve arrived at a potential inflection point for music careers.

More music is released in a single day today than the entire calendar year of 1989, apparently.

Since AI can produce music, what’s the point of making music at all?

This can be summed in three words: Personal creative expression.

That’s the north star for any creative endeavor in the decades to come when just about anyone can generate just about anything with a prompt.